32 research outputs found

    Comparison of Decision Tree, Naïve Bayes and KNearest Neighbors for Predicting Thesis Graduation

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    Thesis is one of the evaluations of learning for students. In Universitas Budi Luhur (UBL), especially in the Informatics Department, the thesis is one of the requirements for graduating students to obtain a Bachelor of Computer degree. In each semester, the number of Informatics Department students who take thesis is around 200-300 students. The problem that is still faced is that student graduation in the thesis is not optimal. Student failures in the thesis are allegedly related to several technical and nontechnical factors. In this study, an analysis using data mining algorithms was carried out to determine the factors that influence student graduation in the thesis. The dataset obtained from the Informatics Department students who took a thesis in the 2016/2017, and 2017/2018. In order to obtain the right classification method, this research was tested with three classification methods, namely Decision Tree, Naïve Bayes, and k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN). The results of the comparison of the values of accuracy, precision, and recall indicate that the kNN algorithm has advantages, so this method is chosen to predict graduation. In this study also developed an application for predicting graduation of students' thesis by applying the kNN classification method. The test results showed an accuracy of 78.20%, precision of 80.32%, and recall of 96.49%. This research is expected to be useful for improving the service quality of student thesi


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    Tujuan penelian ini untuk mengetahui (1) pengaruh pola gerakan elektroda terhadap kekerasan hasil lasan pada baja ST 60, (2) pengaruh posisi pengelasan terhadap hasil kekerasan hasil lasan pada baja ST 60, (3) pengaruh pola gerakan elektroda dan posisi pengelasan terhadap kekerasan hasil lasan pada baja ST 60, (4) Pola gerakan elektroda dan posisi pengelasan yang dapat menghasilkan kekerasan hasil las paling baik pada baja ST 60. Data dikumpulkan dengan menguji kekerasan material hasil las dengan pengujian Vickers, selanjutnya dilakukan analisis varian ganda. Hasil penelitian adalah: (1) pola gerakan elektroda memberikan pengaruh pada hasil kekerasan, dimana pola U memberikan hasil kekerasan lebih besar daripada pola melingkar dan pola zig-zag pada pengelasan baja ST 60, (2) posisi pengelasan memberikan pengaruh yang nyata pada hasil kekerasan, dimana posisi 3G memberikan hasil kekerasan lebih besar daripada posisi 1G dan 2G pada pengelasan baja ST 60, (3) pola gerakan elektroda dan posisi pengelasan memberikan pengaruh pada hasil kekerasan hasil las pada baja ST 60, (4) nilai kekerasan Vickers tertinggi rata-rata adalah 284,9 VHN terdapat pada posisi pengelasan 3G dengan pola gerakan U, sedangkan nilai kekerasan terendah rata-rata adalah 203,33 VHN terdapat pada posisi 1G dengan pola gerakan melingkar

    Rekomendasi Pemilihan Mata Kuliah Dalam Pengisian Rencana Studi Mahasiswa dengan Penerapan Algoritma Apriori

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    During the time of filling out the study plan, many Budi Luhur University students find it difficult to choose the courses to be taken in the next semester. Errors in the selection of courses can have an impact on the achievement of achievement that is not optimal, and can inhibit student graduation. The role of academic supervisors in helping students determine the taking of courses in the coming semester is very important, but in some cases, there are academic supervisors who do not have time to discuss directly with students. Therefore, in this study a system is proposed that can provide recommendations for students in taking courses when filling out study plans for the next semester. This course of recommendation making system uses the association rule mining method with a priori algorithm. The student's course history data is evaluated using an a priori algorithm to produce recommendations for choosing courses in the next semester. The trial results of this system show an average percentage of successful recommendations of 80.16% with a minimum confidence of 80%, and a minimum support of 7. With these results, this system can be used as a means of students to help make decisions in making courses at the coming semester

    Optimization of LZW Compression Algorithm With Modification of Dictionary Formation

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    At present, the need to access the data have been transformed into digital data, and its use has been growing very rapidly. This transformation is due to the use of the Internet is growing very rapidly, and also the development of mobile devices are growing massively. People tend to store a lot of files in their storage and transfer files from one media to another media. When approaching the limit of storage media, the fewer files that can be stored. A compression technique is required to reduce the size of a file. The dictionary coding technique is one of the lossless compression techniques, LZW is an algorithm for applying coding dictionary compression techniques. In the LZW algorithm, the process of forming a dictionary uses a future based dictionary and encoding process using the Fixed Length Code. It allows the encoding process to produce a sequence that is still quite long. This study will modify the process of forming a dictionary and use Variable Length Code, to optimize the compression ratio. Based on the test using the data used in this study, the average compression ratio for LZW algorithm is 42,85%, and our proposed algorithm is 38,35%. It proves that the modification of the formation of the dictionary we proposed has not been able to improve the compression ratio of the LZW algorithm

    Analisis Kemiripan Dokumen Tesis Menggunakan Algoritma Rabin-Karp Dan Dice Coefficient Similarity

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    Kemiripan dokumen (document similarity) merupakan salah satu topik penelitian yang populer. Pada konteks akademis, tingkat kemiripan dokumen sering digunakan sebagai ukuran indikasi plagiasi karya ilmiah. Selain itu, tingkat kemiripan dokumen juga bermanfaat bagi akademisi dalam menemukan publikasi ilmiah yang selaras dengan topik penelitian tertentu. Kontribusi utama dari penelitian ini adalah melakukan analisis kemiripan dokumen tesis mahasiswa pada suatu program studi. Hasil analisis kemiripan dapat menjadi ukuran tingkat indikasi plagiasi dokumen tesis di program studi. Untuk menghasilkan kemiripan dokumen teks digunakan algoritma Rabin-Karp dan metode Dice Coefficient Similarity. Sebagai data uji, digunakan kumpulan dokumen tesis dari 4 (empat) program studi di Universitas Budi Luhur. Hasil pengujian analisis kemiripan dokumen tesis untuk program studi S2 Ilmu Komputer sebesar 20,95%, S2 Ilmu Komunikasi sebesar 21,07%, S2 Akuntansi sebesar 26,63%, dan S2 Manajemen sebesar 27,9%. Selain itu, untuk mengukur akurasi metode yang diusulkan dilakukan perbandingan hasil kemiripan dokumen dengan perangkat lunak CheckPlagiarism dan menghasilkan tingkat akurasi sebesar 94,7%. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa metode yang diusulkan mampu menghasilkan tingkat similaritas dokumen dengan baik


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    When preparing a program for a conference, it is very important to divide teaching and learning tasks according to the areas in which you are involved for teaching and learning to be effective. At the University, the assignment process is still done manually which is very time consuming. Therefore, an appropriate optimization method is needed to handle this. This problem can be solved using a population-based heuristic approach, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) has been applied to various fields such as scheduling and assignment. The data used in this research is lecturer assignment data in the form of prioritizing lecturer interest in teaching certain subjects. Based on the calculation results, a test was carried out to determine the effect of the test parameters on the fitness value obtained. From the results of the PSO parameter test, the best number of particles is 100, the best number of repetitions is 100, and the speed combination parameters c1 and c2 are 1.5 and 1.5 with the appropriate value of 94878. The system results, the solution obtained gives good results, i.e. always within tolerance limits, the error scores obtained by placing teachers on subjects that suit their preferences are lowe

    Identifikasi Plat Nomor Kendaraan Berbasis Mobile Dengan Metode Learning Vector Quantization

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    — Owner of car or motorcycle often need some vehicle-related information such as vehicle tax information, the due date and the date of expiry of the vehicle registration tax. Such information should be presented with an easy and fast. In this study, we develop a mobile based application to facilitate users to access information based on the number of vehicles motor vehicle that taken directly using the camera. Number of vehicles identified by the method of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR). The identification process begins with taking images through a mobile camera. Furthermore, the process of segmentation, feature extraction and character recognition process. To recognize the characters on the number plate of vehicles, the classification process is carried out using Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ). In the test, obtained an average accuracy of 95.32%. Number plate of vehicles that have been identified, sent to the SAMSAT website to obtain information in the form of vehicle tax, tax due dates and other information

    Pencarian Abstrak Tugas Akhir Mahasiswa Berdasarkan Tingkat Kemiripan Menggunakan Algoritma Winnowing dan Jaccard Similarity pada Universitas Budi Luhur

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    Dokumen skripsi merupakan dokumen yang merepresentasikan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa jenjang strata satu. Untuk menghasilkan skripsi yang baik dibutuhkan studi literatur untuk mendukung penelitian tersebut. Pada Universitas Budi Luhur, sudah tersedia sistem pencarian literatur dalam bentuk dokumen skripsi. Namun demikian, pencarian data masih terbatas berdasarkan kesamaan judul dengan kata kunci yang diberikan. Hal tersebut mengakibatkan hasil pencarian tidak terlalu akurat. Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian ini diusulkan sistem yang mampu menyajikan hasil pencarian berdasarkan tingkat kemiripan dokumen. Metode yang digunakan adalah algoritma Winnowing berbasis N-Gram dengan perhitungan kemiripan metode Jaccard Similarity. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, nilai k-gram dan w-gram mempengaruhi persentase kemiripan dokumen yang mana nilai terbaik adalah k-gram=3 dan w-gram=4. Prototipe sistem yang dihasilkan dapat menyajikan hasil pencarian beserta nilai kemiripan dokumen abstrak tugas akhir yang diinputkan dengan dokumen yang tersimpan di repository


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    oai:ojs2.iccd.asia:article/2Mitra Bintaro Junior High School is one of the private schools having its address at Tangerang City, Banten Province. Along with the development of information and communication technology (ICT), which is increasing rapidly today, Mitra Bintaro Middle School has an official website as one of the means of disseminating information for students, parents and the community. However, Mitra Bintaro Middle School does not have e-learning based learning media that can be accessed by teachers and students. This service activitywas held with the aim to implement an e-learning based learning system and train teachers and students in using E-learning at Mitra Bintaro Middle School. This training activity was divided into two sessions. In the first session, the material was delivered regarding the use of e-learning for teachers. Whereas in the second session the e-learning material was delivered to students of Mitra Bintaro Middle School. Participants are required to practice the material presented directly. With the implementation of the e-learning technology, the competency and access to learning for students and teachers of Mitra Bintaro Junior High School is easier and increasing